Is the 9 to 5 Job Really Outdated?

Mrinal Choudhury
5 min readMay 31, 2024


“Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life”

A famous line from Dolly Parton that we often associate with our 9–5 job and how often we feel that we are losing on the waqt (time) in those 8 hours.

While researching this topic, I was surprised to find that barely five articles are trying to promote the 9–5 culture. The rest of the results were filled with titles like; “Why do we work 9–5?”, “Why 9–5 is outdated?” or “Breakfree from the culture of 9–5”.

This made me wonder when jobs become a taboo amongst the younger generation. Maybe most of us who clicked on this article thought this was another person giving you some other reason to demean your job.

Why do people hate 9–5 jobs so much?

There are specific reasons why people are lashing out on job setups and let’s discuss some of those. Major claims are people don’t have a Work-Life Balance, often people don’t have control over the role they are designated or they don’t find autonomy over their work which freelancing offers. Remote Working is not an ideal option in a workspace, there are certain disciplines that one is expected to follow. Working for someone’s growth can be partially true and can feel unfulfilling but we do experience significant and rewarding growth.

With utmost sincerity I acknowledge that we all don’t share a healthy workplace environment, office politics is a legitimate concern, bias between genders and the Rajnikanth of these biases Pay gap.

Upsides of a Job

Every job has its pros and cons and often social media overshadows the downside or the unglamorous side of freelancing or entrepreneurship. Since we all are pretty much aware of the downside of working in a firm as an employee, let’s discuss some of the positives too.

Instead of chasing the work-life balance, we should change our perspective and find a Work-life boundary. Many people fail to create a boundary, especially when it comes to work. An individual has a life outside work which needs to be respected and prioritized but are we all able to achieve that, mostly no. An 8-hour job can often help people to prioritize their family and personal well-being. Many single parents are benefited from this setting and this extends to various relations.

Job Security and Financial & Routine stability

These days people often undervalue Job Security. Not everyone has the luxury of starting a business and being uncertain about its success. Some people need a definite income to fulfill the rightful needs of life and during such times a Job can be the most ideal pathway.

Financial stability is an essential way to lead a peaceful life. With the inflation and increasing expectations, having a steady monthly income is essential.

Let’s speak facts, a routine keeps us sane and functional and often with jobs we don’t have to sit and make a routine with exact timings like we did during our exam days. Though for some this can be a deal breaker for most of us this can induce productivity.

Benefits as an Employee

Working in a healthy environment brings tangible benefits. Every effort and work produced is incentivized by the company with raises, bonuses or promotions. Freelancing often depletes a person’s life savings with no immediate profits to oneself. But a company will appreciate your work and the work will gain you profits.

When we are a part of a firm, we often have access to extended opportunities to use certain advanced technology which may not be available for general people. This can eventually lead to a more informed and skilled mind in the long run.

Though having a structured life is frowned upon in the age of technology, these same structured lifestyles give us the autonomy we often seek in independent work. In case of mishaps, a person can rely on insurance provided by their company. None of us wants to work all our life and retirement pension plans often provide a well-deserved break and the satisfaction that they have contributed to the society in the way that was possible to them.


Working a 9–5 provides a sense of community and belonging. Today’s individual lifestyle often leads to loneliness but a 9–5 surrounds you with like-minded people and if you are lucky they are coming with you for this journey called life.

Psychological and Emotional benefits

Having a job can either boost your confidence and self-worth or it will squeeze the life out of you but isn’t that true for any type of work?

Keeping that in mind, let’s embrace some of the positive aspects.

When we are working with a company, the combined efforts of many people come together to meet a common goal. When these shared efforts bear us fruits the success is shared amongst all of us. Someone who can see our success or even small wins in a much more intimate and supportive way.

All these little and big moments collectively give us a sense of purpose and at the end of the day, we seek that feeling of fulfillment the most.


This article in no way is trying to demean or undervalue the budding freelancers out there but this is an effort to try and deplete the negativity surrounding having a job. Many of us will vastly benefit and flourish as an individual working with some firm and vice versa. Though having your form of business can lead to a higher status because of the perceived standards, the resilience one shows in their job stands no less.

To the ones who are starting as an employee or who are already one, We wish you with all our hearts because you are breaking the norm by being in one.

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