Fighting Depression: How to Cope with Depression?

Mrinal Choudhury
4 min readJun 5, 2022


Coping with depression has become a challenge for all ages of humans.

The World Health Organization estimates that more than 300 million people globally suffer from depression — approximately 5 percent of the world’s population — and it’s the leading cause of disability.

Though we have many books and therapies, depression remains a leading disability.

We all might have gone through some phases of depression where we do not feel right.

But why do we feel depressed?

What causes depression?

Over 43% of Indians suffer from Depression

  1. Childhood trauma: Events like bullying, racial discrimination, verbal abuse, etc that happened in your childhood would adversely affect your psychology and deeply imprint your memory. These events affect the way your body reacts to fear and stressful situations.
  2. Genetics: According to Healthline Blog, you have a high risk of developing depression if your family has a history of depression or other mood disorders.

Most studies point out that more than 40 percent of the people who have depression have a genetic link to it.

  1. Medical conditions: The reason for your depressive mood could be because of certain medical conditions such as chronic illness, insomnia, chronic pain, or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Also, medication like antiviral drugs can be a reason for depression.
  2. Death or Loss: The death or loss of a loved one could lead to depression.
  3. Alcoholism: Alcohol slows down some regions of the brain, negatively affecting rationality and memory. It also lowers the level of serotonin in the brain which could lead to depressive mood.
  4. Loneliness: being alone and lonely can make your depressed

What are the signs and symptoms of depression?

Symptoms of Depression:

  • Changes in moods, such as irritability and increased anger.
  • Continuous feelings of sadness, anxiousness, and low mood.
  • Loss of interest in doing day-to-day activities, withdrawing from social engagements, suicidal thoughts.
  • Cognitive abilities, such as thinking or talking more slowly
  • Lack of sleep, restless sleep, or excessive sleepiness

How to Cope with Depression.

But there is always a solution for everything. Depression does not mean the end of the world. You are not the only one facing this issue but many famous and prominent icons have even gone through these phases.

What’s more important is how you get back on your track.

1. From the ‘Victim’ Mentality to ‘Victor’ Mentality.

Self-pity is nauseating. The feeling and thoughts of “I am so unfortunate” or “ My life is so bad. I’m so sorry for my life” is a victim mentality. It is important to stop that victim mentality and get into a victor mentality.

2. Start getting connected.

Loneliness is one of the main reasons among young people for depression. So connect yourself with others. Try getting in touch with people you know.

Try spending time with your family. Build a positive relationship with your loved ones. Consider rebuilding friendships and relationships.

Establishing relationships and getting connected with your friends help you fight depression.

3. Adopting Fitness & Health

Regular exercise helps reduce depression by enhancing the action of endorphins that circulate throughout the body.

Go out for a walk, and explore new places (practice social distancing), and keep your body active.

If you are starting new on fitness, check out my blog post “The Right Perspective of Fitness for your overall wellbeing” for detailed fitness information.

4. Leave the past land and Accept the present

“Your past doesn’t determine your future” — Joyce Meyer.

It is vague and pointless to drool over your past and let it destroy your future. Allow yourself to embrace the past no matter how harsh it was to you. Embrace your past and accept your flaws. You might be guilty or wrong for something. Your mistake might have bought a bad outcome but it is totally fine.

When you start getting off something that cannot be changed (your past) and decide to act for the future, that’s when you truly fight off depressive thoughts.

5. Keep busy. Start doing new things.

Establish new goals for your life and prioritize them.

6. Love yourself and be grateful

Happiness starts with being grateful for what you have.

So are we. It is important to understand how thousands of people are suffering from pain and anguish worse than us. So embrace your pain, depression, and life that you have.


The COVID-19 pandemic period is one of the biggest examples of mental depression.

People think that depression is something tough to tackle and overcome.

But it is not so. It all starts with small changes in your day.

Moreover, happiness starts with you. Share a simple smile, or a kind gesture, or help someone.

